
This blog is a detailed look at each chapter, passage and verse of the Koran, illustrating them and comparing them with literal perfection, history, science, law and Humanist and Transhumanist ethics. As the Koran comes from Allah through Jibril to Muhammad, I expect to see perfection in every chapter, passage and verse, no context, no incoherence with reality, perfect morality for every age of humanity and impossible to argue against. I expect Muhammad to be the perfect prophet and perfect reciter, who exactly and perfectly translates the perfect words of the perfect Qur’an from perfect Allah, created before the Islamic Creation. This standard I assume for each and every chapter, passage and verse of the Koran. At the end of each passage or verse, I give my judgement of Muhammad’s efforts.


What’s inside?

Free Thought & Free Speech

I subscribe to The Westminster Declaration.

Freedom of Speech is a UN Human Right based on freedom of thought, Article 18:

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 18, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

And Freedom of Speech:

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Article 19, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Reminder to Muslims

As a reminder to Muslims, do note that as I am a scribe for people and machines as you can see here, then, according to Islam, I am immune to violence from Islam, Allah, Muhammad and Muslims. In other words, violence directed at me by Muslims shows that Islam is false and worse, that Muslims do not obey the false Koran, evil Islam, imaginary Allah or liar Muhammad.

Oral Koran versus Written

Note that the first imperfection of the Koran is that it’s written by mere humans, printed by machines or by merely human scribes, on paper produced by humans (or machines), assembled in various orders by machine or human effort, bound by machines or human effort. As such, obviously, mistakes will creep in. As Muhammad was supposedly illiterate, these problems are understandable and will be dismissed.


I’ll incorporate objections and different interpretations that might seem plausible or even implausible as appropriate. If you have an objection, be sure to comment appropriately.


If you think I’ve misrepresented Islam or other religions or reality as we currently generally understand it, please notify me with comments in the appropriate chapter and verse, with details or by email. After all, as a merely human scribe with only limited machine assistance, obviously, I’m afflicted with human error.

Hate Speech?

There’s no hate speech in this blog at all. If you think there’s hate speech, read again, and make sure it’s not a quotation of Muhammad from his Koran or from hadith. Note that if you think the quotes from the Koran or hadith are hate speech, please take that up with the dead Muhammad and imaginary Allah, not with me.

The Shanana

I know:

  • Muhammad was a liar;
  • Allah is an idol;
  • Koran is nonsense and lies;
  • Islam is false.
The Shanana



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